Maurice Barbanell/’Silver Birch’
“Channeling Silver Birch In Comparison with Other Cases”
“Life and the Afterlife Explained from the Other Side”
William Barnes
“Drawbacks to Claiming a Past Life"* (*by William Barnes)
Madame Blavatsky / Mahatma Letters
“Esoteric Doctrine of The Masters”
Ray Brown/’Paul’
“Basic Metaphysical Teachings in ‘Channeling’ Cases”
Rosemary Brown
"Case Profile: Rosemary Brown"
Edgar Cayce
“A Meditation about Reincarnation”
“Esoteric Aspects of Edgar Cayce’s Life”
Leslie Flint
“Metaphysical Lessons of the Leslie Flint ‘Direct Voice’ Recordings”
“Excerpts from Chapters of Experience”
“A Book Chronicling Direct Voice Communication: Behold I Live”
Helen Greaves
Thomas Jacobson/’Dr. Peebles’
“The Thomas Jacobson/’Dr. Peebles’ Channeling Case”
Jeffrey J. Keane
“Someone Else’s Yesterday . . . A Past Life Revealed by Jeffrey J. Keene”
James Leininger
“Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot . . .”
“The Leiningers Were Interviewed on a Late Night Radio Show”
Marjorie Livingston
“Dawn of the New Age: ‘Leader’ Writes”
Matthew Manning
“Matthew Manning and Reincarnation”
Mark Probert/’The Inner Circle’
“Self-Realization in the Aquarian Age . . . 1955”
"Essential Facts Pertaining to Eternal Life and the Mind . . ."
"Further Evidence for People . . ."
Jane Roberts/’Seth’
“Basic Metaphysical Teachings in ‘Channeling’ Cases”
“Jane Roberts/’Seth’: Developments in the Sessions 1971 . . .”
“A Road to Expanded Spiritual Awareness with Jane Roberts & ‘Seth'”
Kevin Ryerson
“Spirit Communication Through Kevin Ryerson”
“Reflections about Reincarnation and Synchronicity”
“Channeling ‘Silver Birch’ (In Comparison with Other Cases)”
Paul Selig
“Channeled Insights to Christ Consciousness”
Walter Semkiw
“Spirit Communication Through Kevin Ryerson”
“Reflections about Reincarnation and Synchronicity”
Instrumental Transcommunication
"Instrumental Transcommunication"
"Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) Overview"
“Considering the Riddles of ‘Unexplained Phenomena'”
“Channeled Reincarnation Scenarios”
Here is an excerpt from the article “Reincarnation In Review”:
Considering the first perspective, there are cases where there is photographic evidence suggesting ‘individual physical reincarnation’ as photographs of contemporary people closely resemble people who lived during previous eras; sometimes with noticeable parallels among events of the two lifetimes. Correlating factors may include birthmarks; similarities relating to behavior, skills or aptitudes; some manner of family lineage relationship; or ‘announcing dreams.’
An example of a nonfiction reincarnation case study where hypnotic regression is not an essential factor for a person becoming aware of a previous life is presented in a 2009 blog article about the book Someone Else’s Yesterday: The Confederate General & Connecticut Yankee, A Past Life Revealed (2003) by Jeffrey J. Keene. Also that year the James M. Huston Jr./James Leininger case was the subject of two short articles (1, 2): Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot (2009) by Bruce and Andrea Leininger with Ken Gross. The case is an example of many that have been chronicled about children with apparent memories of a previous life.
Jeffrey J. Keene (born 1947) and John B. Gordon (1832-1904)