Psychic Photography

Ada Emma Deane

William Hope

John Myers

“The Truth about ‘Psychic Photography'”

"Established as Authentic — Paranormal Spirit Photography Gallery of Evidence" (and others)


Matthew Manning

“Incidents in the Life of Matthew Manning”


William Mumler

“The Phenomenal Photograph of Mary Todd Lincoln”

"Established as Authentic — Paranormal Spirit Photography Gallery of Evidence"

"A Testimonial of Witnessing Paranormal Revelations During the Spiritualism Epoch"


Ted Serios

Jule Eisenbud collection on Ted Serios . . .

“Ted Serios and the Lehrburger Sequence”


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Here is an excerpt from the article “The Truth about Psychic Photography”:

Author/publisher/editor Maurice Barbanell reported about “extraordinary psychic phenomena” after extensive firsthand observations in Europe and North America over the course of decades.  Maurice included a chapter about ‘psychic photography’—or what other psychical researchers called ‘spirit photography’—in his memoir Power of the Spirit (1949), considering photos showing phenomenally manifested images as “permanent records of survival.”  He observed: “If you receive a photograph of a loved one and you are satisfied beyond doubt that the production of this extra, as it is called, could not be explained by trickery, then you have a treasured memento.”

Maurice’s experiences revealed that the psychic photographers whom he encountered were unquestionably authentic.  However, among a large segment of the public the anomalous photos were simply too unexpected to be considered a subject worthy of closer examination.  Nonetheless, due to his own evolution from agnostic to Spiritualist, Maurice found himself able to sympathize with people who had a questioning perspective toward the photos.  He acknowledged:

I do not blame inquirers for thinking that the explanation of psychic photography must be fraud.  The production of successful extras is so remarkable a happening that you require incontrovertible proof before being convinced that the face of your loved one has been placed on the plate by spirit power. 

The information about the subject of ‘psychic photography’ in Power of the Spirit offers some details about the work of three people who unexpectedly found themselves to be photographer mediums during the course of their careers: Ada Emma Deane, John Myers and William Hope.  Maurice’s commentary explains some of the confusion arising from the work of these three individuals.